Keep Your Dog Safe This 4th of July

Happy Independence Day Everyone! The 4th of July is such a great time to celebrate with friends, family, and loved ones. We truly do have a lot to be grateful for, and many reasons why Independence Day should be special to each of us. We hope that amidst all of the...

Stop Free Feeding Your Dog… You might be killing them!

Why Free Feeding Your Dog Just Might Kill Them… Alright… you might think I’m being a bit dramatic, but free feeding is seriously a terrible idea! It’s bad for training, and it’s bad for their health. If you don’t know what I mean by free feeding, it’s basically when...

No Free Lunch Program

Many of you have heard of the “No Free Lunch” program. It’s something we’ve encouraged a lot of our clients and friends to implement in their lives. For those of you haven’t heard of it I’m going to give you the basic layout of what...

Treating Common Ailments In Dogs

Sick as a dog? Not anymore! It’s never fun when our beloved dogs get sick. It makes us feel awful, and sometimes helpless because they can’t communicate and tell us exactly what’s bothering them. Because of this many dog owners tend to overreact a...