Upcoming Seminars, Events, and Wokshops!!!
Become the best dog owner/trainer you can be!
At Top Dog we firmly believe that we can never stop increasing our knowledge about how we interact with dogs. Every dog is an individual, and the more tools we add to our toolbox the more dogs we help. This part of our website is devoted to showcasing upcoming workshops, seminars, and other events that we are hosting at the Top Dog facility.
Group Class Game Changer Nov. 3-5, 2023
Top Dog is very excited to be offering our group class game changer workshop once again. This event is for professional dog trainers only. Event information, hotels, etc., can all be found by visiting the Eventbrite link below.
Group Class Game Changer March 3-4, 2023
Top Dog is very excited to be offering our group class game changer workshop once again. This event is for professional dog trainers only. Event information, hotels, etc., can all be found by visiting the Eventbrite link below.
Adam has been presenting this workshop in a smaller format for the last several years but we’ve finally decided that 2023 is the year it gets it’s own full day workshop! Save the date for May 5th and 6th. More details and event registration should be available by the end of September.
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Diabetic Alert Dog Summit
2023 DATES CURRENTLY TBD (Please ignore date in picture at left, we’re experiencing some technical difficulties with changing that picture for some reason.)
Training Diabetic Alert Dogs is one of the most rewarding choices we’ve made in the dog training industry. We want to share that opportunity with other qualified dog trainers. We’ve attempted some short two and three day workshops in the past. Unfortunately we felt that we were just getting started when the workshops came to a conclusion. For this reason we’ve built the Diabetic Alert Dog Summit. The reason we call it a Summit, and not a school or a workshop is because we are only allowing professional trainers that already have all the basic skills required to train a dog. Therefor, we can skip the basics, and put our skills immediately to the test in training the more advanced behaviors required of a diabetic alert dog.
The other thing that makes the Summit special when compared to our other workshops is the class size. We only allow eight participants per session. Due to the popularity of the course this is obviously a blessing and a curse. We want to train as many competent and moral trainers as we can, but we just don’t feel we can do that if we let the group size get too large. The downside to this however is that the course can fill up months in advance so we recommend if you are seriously interested that you sign up as soon as you’re able to.
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