Dog Training Programs

Several Programs To Fit Your Needs

At Top Dog we know that each and every family is different, and has different expectations of their dog. We’ve all met someone who adored their dog, but the dog drove everyone else crazy. The right training for your neighbor might not be the same program that you want, and that’s why we’ve designed several training programs and offer customization to meet your exact needs.

Texas Top Dog Program (Board and Train)

Have you dreamed of having full off-leash reliability with your dog? Do you wish you could go for a hike or even just a trip around the block and not have to worry about your dog paying attention to you or coming back when called? Of course you probably wish your dog had better manners at home too. This is the program for you!

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The Texas Top Dog Program prepares your dog for real world training from day one. You’ll be able to show your dog off to the whole neighborhood, and your dog can enjoy more freedoms from his/her new found knowledge. Your dog will learn the following behaviors:

  • On and off leash reliability
  • Sit
  • Place
  • Come
  • Stay
  • Wait
  • Leave-it
  • Off
  • Appropriate greeting of strangers
  • Appropriate greeting of other dogs

The first step in getting your dog into the Texas Top Dog program is to schedule a free initial consultation with our Training Director. During the consultation we’ll get to know one another, answer any of your questions, and of course get to know your dog a little better.

Cost: $2950 and includes unlimited follow ups via email, and a 1 month membership to our group class.


Canine Good Citizen Program (Board and Train)

If you’re looking for a little more basic obedience package, and you’re not as concerned about the advanced off leash training, then this is the program for you. You will still have great control around the house, and in most of your every day situations. You will also be on your way to receiving one of the most recognized training titles in the world through the American Kennel Club.

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The Canine Good Citizen program is a phenomenal value for the every day dog. The training is done over a period of about three weeks here at our facility, in our home, and around town as well. Your dog will be able to maintain his/her obedience in the face of many of your every day distractions, and you guys will be on your way to a better relationship. Some of the commands your dog will learn include:

  • How to walk nicely on a leash
  • Sit
  • Place
  • Come
  • Stay
  • Appropriate greeting of strangers
  • Appropriate greeting of other dogs

The first step in getting your dog into the Canine Good Citizen program is to schedule a free initial consultation with our Training Director. During the consultation we’ll get to know one another, answer any of your questions, and of course learn more about your dog.

Cost: $1875 and includes two follow up lessons, and a two week membership to our group class.


Day Training (A Hybrid between private lessons and board and train)

Day Training is a great option for folks that want some of the benefits of an immersion style training program, without actually have to part with your dog for a couple weeks. With this program you’ll be assigned five training days to drop off your dog each morning between 7am and 9am. Your dog will spend the whole day learning with us, (and of course making some new four legged friends when they are taking a break from training), and then you’ll come in the evening to get a short briefing of what your dog learned that day and what your homework needs to be.

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To get started with the day training program you will need to schedule a free initial consultation. During that consultation we’ll sit down and make a training plan that will best fit your needs. Obviously we can’t cover every obedience command known to man in just five days, but you will be pretty amazed at what your dog can accomplish with this training. Here are some examples of things that can be worked on during a day training program:

  • How to walk nicely on a leash
  • Sit
  • Place
  • Come
  • Stay
  • Wait
  • Leave It
  • No jumping up
  • Appropriate greeting of strangers
  • Appropriate greeting of other dogs
  • Eliminating problem behaviors like barking, digging, chewing, etc.
  • House training
  • Mild socialization issues with dogs or humans

Cost: $895


Puppy Primer (For Dogs Under 5 months old)

The puppy primer is perfect to get your puppy off to an amazing start (and for you to keep your sanity during these difficult puppy stages). We’ll spend some time going over basic obedience, manners, and socialization so that your puppy grows up to be well rounded and confident.

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The Puppy Primer program will include two private lessons and three socialization days. During your lessons we’ll work on training your dog, and also instructing you on what needs to take place at home. During your dog’s socialization days your dog will be dropped off to socialize for the entire day with appropriate “mentor dogs” that can help your dog learn how to play appropriately with other dogs, and of course how to grow up to be an awesome dog themselves.

Individual puppies can have vastly different needs so what we cover during this program will vary and be customized according to the puppy enrolled in the program. Some general examples of things we cover are:

  • Puppy behavioral problems such as nipping, jumping, humping, play biting, chewing, and house training.
  • Introductions to obedience such as how to walk on a leash, sit, come, wait.
  • Crate training
  • Socialization and desensitization to distractions in the world outside of your home.

Cost: $415



Do More With Your Dog (Group Class)

Do you want to learn along side your dog every step of the way? Would you like to experience the benefits of both a fun training environment AND an awesome socialization opportunity. Our group class is exactly what you need then. We’ve set up a unique training curriculum unlike any that you’ve ever seen that will help you and your dog achieve your goals without the normal pressures that come from a standard six week training class.

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When we say this class is unique from any other group class you’ve ever seen; we REALLY mean it. Our group class begins with us working one on one with you to build a basic foundation with your dog. We’ll do two or three of these lessons and focus on the things that you feel like you need the most help with. Once we’ve accomplished this you will be invited to our group class, and that’s when things get really interesting. Our class does not run for six or eight weeks like a traditional class. When you join our group you get to take advantage of a full SIX MONTHS of training! The class runs every Tuesday at 6:30pm and every Saturday at 10am.

We all know that life sometimes interrupts us unexpectedly, and that’s why we’ve created this group class format. In a traditional class if you miss a week you’re out of luck, and there’s no way to make it up. In our group class however, you have the opportunity to attend 50 SESSIONS over the course of six months, so if you miss some here and there, it’s not going to put nearly as big of a dent in your progress.

Cost: $849+


Foundation Training Program (Private Lessons)

If you’d like the convenience of having us come to your home, or work around your schedule, our private foundation lessons are exactly what you’re looking for. Our Foundation Training program can take place at your home, our training facility, a local park, or anywhere that you would benefit from most.

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This program allows for a great deal of flexibility and customization. We can focus on exactly what your needs are, and help you overcome the issues that you’re currently having with your dog. We can schedule these appointments in the morning, afternoon, or even into the late evening so that you’re schedule will not be interrupted.  Some ideas of things that might be covered during these training sessions include but are not limited to:

  • How to walk nicely on a leash
  • Sit
  • Place
  • Come
  • Stay
  • Wait
  • Leave It
  • Off
  • Appropriate greeting of strangers
  • Appropriate greeting of other dogs
  • Eliminating problem behaviors like barking, digging, chewing, etc.
  • Or anything else that you feel would help improve your relationship with your dog.

The first step in getting your dog into this program is to schedule a free initial consultation with our Training Director. During the consultation we’ll get to know one another, answer any of your questions, and of course learn more about your dog.

Cost: $410 when training is done here at the facility. $550 when done in home (mileage restrictions do apply). This includes three custom sessions.


Around The World (Video Conference)

Did you know Top Dog can help solve your training issues from anywhere in the world? Sessions are available through Skype, facebook, or FaceTime so that we can see you with your dog, and you can see us working with an example dog. Each session is also recorded and then sent to you so that you can have unlimited access to it FOREVER! Call, email, or message us today if you need assistance setting up a video conference training session.

Cost: $95/session.

Like What You See?

Dog training can be tough, but we’re here to make it much easier. Whether you need in home dog training, a group class, or you’d like to send your dog in for one of our board and train programs, we’re here to help. Click around on the links above to learn about each individual dog training program that we offer, and don’t hesitate to contact us with further questions.